Memorial School

Welcome to the Memorial School Principal's Blog


Thank you for visiting the Memorial Elementary School Principal’s Blog. I’m excited to begin utilizing this blog on a regular basis to promote communication with students, parents, teachers, and members of the community. I look forward to sharing the successes of our students and staff, as well as the many exciting events which take place throughout the school year at Memorial.
As the principal of Memorial School, I consider myself privileged to work with such a talented and dedicated staff. They are truly committed to providing all students with a nurturing and positive learning environment. I encourage you to follow this blog as a means to learning more about our school and staying connected to the Memorial School Community.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Banking Comes to Memorial School

I'm pleased to announce that Memorial School has partnered with the Charles River Bank to bring their School Savings Program to our students.  Beginning Tuesday November 8th, students in first through fourth grade will have the opportunity to make deposits to their very own savings account each Tuesday morning.  It is our hope that our students will learn money management skills and develop strong math skills by filling out their own deposit receipt and maintaining their transaction registry.  In addition, the Charles River Bank will make an initial deposit of $5.00 to open each students' account.  Throughout the program, there will be gifts, games, and contests to make saving fun.  Additional information will be send home with students during the week of October 24th.

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